Interviu video: Loibon le Baaba despre nondualitate

Loibon le Baaba, in ciuda aparentelor de ‘salbatic’ a studiat foarte mult, s-a autoeducat, este antropolog si are si un Doctorat in metafizica la o universitate din Los Angeles. Pe numele sau complet Ol Doinyo Laetoli le Baaba sau Kali Baaba, Loibon (titlu ce semnifica saman, invatator, sau vraci) are origine africana (poporul Maasai) si s-a nascut, a crescut si a studiat in Statele Unite.

Pe parcursul vietii a trait si a studiat impreuna cu membrii mai multor comunitati tribale din Africa, India, China, Indonezia, Malaezia, Australia si Europa. Trupul sau este impodobit cu inele si ornamente care provin din 16 initieri diferite, realizate in diverse locuri de pe planeta. Pe fata el are un tatuaj specific populatiei Maori din Noua Zeelanda, denumit Ta Moko.

In interviul de mai jos, Dr. Loibon raspunde la o serie de intrebari despre nondualitate, despre ce este ‘eul’, despre ideea de Creator, directia in care evolueaza omenirea, dar si despre vanatoarea de capete si rolul sau in societatea tribala. Este impresionata usurinta cu care abordeaza domenii atat de diferite – religie, filosofie, psihologie, antropologie sau stiinta: subiectele se schimba rapid, de la nondualitate, iluminare, constiinta, religie, ego, bariere de limbaj, pana la teoria relativitatii, dupa care Dr. Loibon discuta foarte relaxat despre canibalism, vanatoare de capete sau alte traditii primitive.

NonDualitatea- Interviul săptămânii (01… de FYMaaa

Mi-a placut in mod deosebit mesajul pe care il transmite oamenilor ‘Just be the best you can be, do the very best you can do’, care mi-a adus aminte de raspunsul dat de parintele Anatolie din filmul Ostrov la intrebarea ‘Cum sa vietuiesc?’: ‘Toti suntem pacatosi. Vietuieste cum poti. Incearca doar sa nu pacatuiesti prea mult’.

De asemenea, mi-a placut si raspunsul pe care Dr. Loibon il da in alt interviu, la intrebarea “Care e motivatia ta de a invata oamenii?” – “Nevoia oamenilor de a intelege mai multe despre ei insisi, dar si despre ceilalti. Una din problemele societatii este faptul ca noi pur si simplu nu ii intelegem pe ceilalti oameni, nu avem nicio idee reala despre cauza pentru care ei traiesc asa cum traiesc, sau pentru care au anumite credinte si moduri de gandire, sau cauza pentru care ei sunt atat de diferiti. Daca am reusi sa incepem sa ii intelegem, sa ii apreciem si sa ii acceptam pe ceilalti, sunt de parere ca ne-am putea aprecia, intelege si accepta mai mult pe noi insine”.

Mai jos si alte idei care mi-au atras atentia din prezentarea sa; le-am lasat in limba engleza pentru a putea cuprinde sensul cat mai exact al cuvintelor sale.

We are not the Doer. We are that which is the instrument of the Doer.
Relatively we are the only Doer. Ultimately we are what’s done, we are the instrument and that’s all we are.

There’s everything to do. We must do all we can do, in any way possible to do it, using whatever is available to make the change, to grow, to learn, to evolve, to ‘in’-volve in order that we may better evolve. We must do any possible effort for that. But don’t be attached to your effort, to the outcome of your action. Act selflessly, egolessly, without the attachment to the result of your actions, good or bad, right or wrong. Just be the best you can be, do the very best you can do.

The Infinite is purposeless in its purpose, causeless in its cause.

The [lower] ego is a necessary part of our being, but it is not a part that identifies our being. The higher ego is an ego that is the identity of all beings, without exception.

There is no death, there is only change. There is no birth, there is only change.

Balance encompasses imbalance.

Nothing is the same, but there is sameness. The life is one, the consciousness is one, the soul is one.
The process of life is to awake into that.

Is there enlightenment? In the true sense of being in the light. All there is is light, which is not separate from the darkness. There is nothing to achieve, there is nothing to acquire, there is nothing to accomplish. We are that. The only process is to realize that, to become aware and then to accept it. To accept it and then live it. That’s the challenge – to live who and what we are. It’s not to become anything. And those who refuse to live or to learn it, those who refuse to be it, they’re expendables.

Malcolm X said: ”If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. If you are to liberate, you need to educate”. So, education feeds liberation. But if one chooses and refuses to not be educated and hence does not accept being liberated, then that person must be eliminated by any means necessary. Anything that threatens the survival of the whole is compromising the existence of the whole and therefore is expendable.

There are two principles governing the Universe: Universal law and Universal order. Any person, place or thing that breaks and refuses to abide by the Universal law is inevitably destroyed by Universal order.

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